Encourage behavior modification
Catalyst’s positive reinforcement techniques improve client accountability and behavior. Regular notifications and verification prompts provide clients a framework to develop positive habits that change behavior.

cFive Catalyst provides Case Managers essential supervision services to empower clients, increase engagement and change behavior.
Catalyst incorporates the four essential supervision services of Appointments, Messaging, Questionnaires and In-Sight calls to engage clients and case managers. Unlike any other product on the market, Catalyst uses proven behavior change techniques including personalization, positive reinforcement, and the ability to engage a client’s support network. Catalyst securely enables effective remote supervision that reinforces behavior change and compliance while reducing case manager in-person interaction.
Explore the Catalyst Free TrialCatalyst’s positive reinforcement techniques improve client accountability and behavior. Regular notifications and verification prompts provide clients a framework to develop positive habits that change behavior.
Automate administrative, banked, and low-risk client contacts to reduce workloads and increase time available to attend to clients with greater needs.
cFive Catalyst provides a pro-active way to address failures to appear by addressing the three most common excuses: “I didn’t know I had an appointment,” “I forgot I had an appointment,” or “I don’t know where to go or how to get there.”
Automating communication of life changing events is made simple as Catalyst assists the client to easily submit updates to their case manager.
Clients and case managers alike benefit from adopting Catalyst as their personal assistant. Catalyst guides the client through their supervision term and keeps them abreast of all important interactions and information from their case manager. Communication and supervision can occur when the client is at home, work or anywhere they take their phone. Clients have access anytime to critical details related to their supervision including appointments, directions, messages and case manager contact information.
Because all clients are not alike, Catalyst provides case managers the flexibility to individualize client communications. Catalyst’s vast flexibility provides agencies and case managers the ability to adjust supervision activities to interact appropriately with all client types.
To help engage the client’s support system, help foster accountability and support success, Catalyst can apprise family members, teachers, counselors and other members of a client’s support system of deadlines and responsibilities.
Catalyst’s shared, managed calendars give case managers and clients full visibility into all upcoming appointments and events, including directions. Automated notifications and reminders ensure that clients acknowledge and remain mindful of upcoming events.
Remote reporting by clients reduces case-management workloads, staff and client time savings, and a reallocation of staff to focus on higher risk individuals.
Whether case managers need questionnaires focused on clients with specific risk factors, offenses, or program needs, Catalyst makes it easy. Questions and questionnaires can be changed daily, monthly, quarterly – any frequency that best suits a client and their case plan.
Case Managers can securely message with a client with the history of all notifications and conversations automatically stored in the client record.
Clients are securely authenticated through facial and voice recognition, ensuring that the client – and only the client – can access the app.
Regular address and employment verification, and triggered prompts that require the client to record and verify changes ensure client records are current. No case manager data entry required.
Case Managers can manage the system, communicate with clients, and monitor their caseload quickly, at a glance from any device.
Available for iPhone or Android, Catalyst’s secure mobile app is the core of the system. Designed with the user experience in mind, the app is exceptionally easy to use.
Catalyst’s positive, motivational phrasing helps engage clients and reinforce accountability. Even when a client is not meeting requirements Catalyst incorporates constructive messages that help develop habits that can lead to positive change.
Learn more about the Catalyst Free 30-Day Trial.
Learn About Catalyst Free Trial